Thursday, May 14, 2009

nAk riNdu dieOrg, bLey x???

waa...rase xsabo je nk jumpe ngan dak2 tuh esok..hehehe..ari nih sop xde dieorg cm buhsan jek....siyes..nk dngr dieorg gelak2, nanges2 sbb eraser kene amek ngan kwn..hehehe ( pdhal lupe nk amek bkul sndirik)...pnggil kite akak2..cg2..tgk die neh...akak2 chantek x saye tulis..cg2 nih kaler ape ? huhuhu miss dat moments..siyesly..xsabo nk dgr cter afiq...tgk muke mat nk nanges bile kwn2die dh siapkn keje...hehehe..mat2..najib pn sorg ag...mcm2 le gaye dieorg...lompat sane kejar2...yg pempuan ade gk yg buli laki...hi2..kalut2...hahahaha....

xigt dunia bile dh lyan dieorg tau...tup2 dh kul 11.30...huhuhu...ade2 je kerenah dieorg...dieorg nih sgt2la dgr kate...bile cg dieorg marah sbb bising..trus ltak kepala ats meja kene suh muke still innocent. dh mcm mate puss in boot dlm cter shrek..hahaha..chomey sgt..

oklah..nk siapkn journal lak..xsabo nk tnggu esk..hakhakhak

Thursday, April 16, 2009

-Wake up Call-

~5 reasons why I'm not going home though it took 4 hours~

1) I'm doing worst 4 my quizzes n tests..U can see d evidence above
2) I need to study smart = Concentrate+Sleepless night+Having fun 4 a while-To avoid myself from becoming a PSYCHO. I may get culture shock since I'm not used 2 give my best in anything I did.
3) I'm going to miss my Conan..(",)
4) My siblings are not at home currently so I dun have d chance 2 pull their hair..
5) Because I just got another 7 days to struggle before it's too late!!


and do enjoy yourself.